
It’s Time To Get Real

Most of us wear a mask at work. We don’t show up as our real, authentic self. And that’s a problem – not just for us, but for the businesses and brands we run, manage, or work for.

We tend to present a carefully curated persona at work. It’s safer that way – protecting us from criticism for being different, outspoken, naive – or indeed anything that doesn’t fit the norm. This has been the case for years – a wash up from the Industrial Revolution, when businesses needed productive, compliant, and efficient workers.

But all that has changed. Businesses now need imaginative, self-aware, creative people. At the same time, rather than looking for image-based brands, consumers are now demanding authentic, genuine, and real products and services.

In other words, we want brands and the people who create them to be real, not ‘manufactured’.

To meet this demand, people need to be encouraged to show up to work as their real and authentic. selves – with that authenticity flowing through as creativity and uniqueness. But after so many years wearing a mask at work, how do we rediscover what makes us unique?

It’s actually easier than you think.

The ‘Real You’ sits just beneath the surface, in your subconscious – where your values, beliefs, and intuition lie. It turns out that our rational mind is the co-pilot, and our subconscious is the pilot, in terms of what defines who we are.

Over the past 10 years I have developed a quick and easy way to give people insights into their true personality and uniqueness, and show them how to leverage this in their work, to maximise their success.

It’s a short Business Meditation, combined with a quick questionnaire called ‘The Animal Totem.’ It takes just 15  minutes to complete, and in many cases has had a profound effect on the people that do the exercise.

To date, around 250 people have ‘discovered’ their Animal Totem, and many have gone on to  leverage the insights they received to make significant changes to the way they work, the kind of work they do, the products and services they offer, how they market and promote themselves and their businesses.

I am now offering this exercise to you to do for free.

Why? Because it has the power to allow people to bring their real strengths, personality and character to work – with all its uniqueness and creativity. Ultimately, I believe this exercise has the power to make brands more authentic and the people who work for them much happier. And we could all do with more of that in our lives right now.

Who would benefit from doing this exercise?
– Business Owners
– Brand ambassadors / managers
– Team leaders
– People looking to enhance or change their careers

If you’d like to give this exercise a go – click here. It’s free to do, and once you tell me which Animal you ‘meet,’ I will send you a free fact sheet, so you can get a better understanding of what this means for you.

This could be the one thing you need to unlock the new insights you need to develop your business, brand, and/or career.


Justin JG Cooper is a Brand Consultant and Purpose Coach, the founder of
Brand Purpose .Co, and the author of Marketing is Dead, Long Live Purposing.