Lighten Up Your Business.

Connect with intuitive, open-minded business people in a supportive environment, and join our fortnightly online networking sessions.
What is Lighten Up?
An open, friendly and supportive business networking group where people:
– Share their business challenges
– Share new ideas and knowledge
– Showcase their expertise 
– Learn more about themselves and grow
– Practice intuitive and mindful business skills
– Experience a ‘lighter’ way of doing business
Who's This For?

This is for people looking to:

– Meet and connect with like-minded business owners
– Get new ideas on how to grow their businesses
– Get clarity on the direction of their business or start up
– Bring greater Purpose and intuition into their work
– Remove self-doubt and build self-confidence

Share Ideas & Challenges
Confidence to Improve & Grow your Business
Network with Like-Minded Entrepreneurs
Why 'Lighten Up?'
It’s called ‘Lighten Up’ because our sessions are relaxed, open,  empathetic and supportive.
 We offer an antidote to the stresses of business life that can lead to:
– Overwhelm
– Self-doubt
– Intertia
– Fear of trying new things
It’s about encouraging and supporting each other to grow as individuals and business people, in a non-judgemental, safe space.
Praise for Lighten Up.

“Lighten up is a great way to be connected to like-minded professionals who are committed to their own growth whilst supporting others to do the same.  The insight, reflection and support of members could be just what you are looking for to take your next steps in your business”

Jeanette Peterson – Founder, Mindful Disruption

“Lighten Up has allowed me to elevate myself outside of my business and look at it from an entirely different point of view. The openness of the groups’ members makes for insightful conversation and problem-solving.  It really does have the potential to change how you do business for the better.”

Cheryl Lardner – Wishkeeper Co-founder

“Curated with the right mix of leaders, from diverse backgrounds, Lighten Up provides a safe space to step back and reflect on the bigger picture. Learn from those who’ve been there before, impart your own knowledge, challenge your own thinking, or simply ask for help.”

David Burton – Managing Partner, VALTE     

“Lighten Up is a place to come to talk about deeper stuff. Although we focus on our businesses, there’s also a great focus on who we are, and how we are dealing with the challenges and opportunities – and that makes a massive difference for all of us.
Thanks for creating this space Justin.”

Owen Hallam– Founder, OLH Coaching 

What you get when you join Lighten Up....
  • 60-minute online mastermind events fortnightly on Fridays 9.15-10.15am AEST / AEDT
    (with some breaks during the holidays – 21 meetings in total) 
  • Recordings of meetings made available in case you miss a session
  • 4 x Quarterly 60-minute business spotlight sessions
  • 2 x business workshops (2 x 1.5 hour sessions) a year
  • Access to a range of Justin’s business meditations (30+ and growing)
  • Access to the WhatsApp Group discussion hub

Total annual value of $1,490 for just $1,188 per year.
That’s a saving of over $300

Why is Lighten Up Different?
  • Every session starts with a meditation to connect the group at a deeper level
  • Exclusive business community for up to 20 people – by invitation only
  • Focused on learning, self-development and personal growth 
  •  Designed for progressive, open-minded entrepreneurs
Justin Cooper

Justin Cooper believes that Purpose is the secret to success in business.
When we understand why our business or brand exists, everything changes. We become more motivated by our work, and it becomes easier to inspire and attract the people we work with, and the people we work for.

With over 30 years experience working on global and SME brands in Australia and the UK, Justin has been a Purpose coach and consultant for the past 10 years.

Justin has hosted mindful business mastermind groups for over three years, so understands how to hold the space for a deeper conversation.

Justin is the founder of Brand Purpose Co and the author of Marketing is Dead, Long Live Purposing.