
Business Purpose Visualisation


The Purpose Visualisation is designed to help you uncover your Business Purpose, to give you greater clarity around why your business/brand exists, what you / it stands for, what you are here to create, and what change you will bring to your market.

It’s the ‘Why’ behind the ‘What’ and the ‘How’ of what you do.

This Visualisation, which consists of a downloadable Business Meditation and accompanying questionnaire is just AUD $9.95 + GST = $10.95.


What is the Purpose of your work, business and/or brand?
Why does it exist?
What drives you to succeed?

If you’re here because you are reading Marketing is Dead: Long Live Purposing and you saw the link to this Visualisation, then you made it!

If not – welcome: you’re going to love this exercise!

This exercise is designed to help uncover your Business Purpose, to uncover and give you greater clarity around why your business/brand exists, what you / it stands for, and what you are here to create with your work. It’s the big ‘Why’ behind the ‘What’ and the ‘How’ of what you do.

This Visualisation, which consists of a downloadable Business Meditation and accompanying questionnaire is just AUD $9.95 + GST = $10.95.