This year has been a tough one for most business people I know. It has been a year of facing up to old challenges, and either dealing with them, or ignoring them.
If you took the first path – congratulations – 2020 is going to be amazing!
If you took the second path, oops. Unfortunately those challenges aren’t going to go away, and they will feel heavier next year.
So here’s how I suggest you deal with it:
1. Get clear on what you want for 2020 – define your Vision for how the year would look like for it to be a Stella Year. Be specific – what would you achieve? What would your life/business look like by 31st December of next year?
2. Let go of anything that doesn’t serve the Vision. If you’re like me, you tend to say yes to a lot of projects, because it’s fun to collaborate. While it’s hard saying ‘no,’ it’s the only way to create the time and space you need to be focused on your Vision.
3. Align yourself with people who can help you achieve your Vision. Say ‘yes’ to them…
Here’s a short video I made to explain why 2019 was the year we ‘had to have,’ and how 2020 could be your Stella Year.