
Who are you (really)?

Q: Who are you?

A: You are your brand.

It doesn’t matter whether you are an employee, start up, business owner, or a team leader – you are a brand. And that brand is a reflection of who you are; your personality, beliefs and values.

People buy from you because of who you are – as delivered through your product, service, and customer service.

But who are you – really?

Find out now by enrolling on the 12 Days of Purpose – your first day is free, and it will give you insights into:
– Your true personality
– Why you are here
– What benefits you bring to the world (through the work you do)
– How you do things differently.

Why not give this exercise a whirl? – It’s free, and it could just give you important insights to help you present yourself or your business in a new and more authentic light.

What have you got to lose?


Justin Cooper is the founder of Brand Purpose .Co, which helps employees, business owners and business leaders to define their Purpose and leverage it through their work, business or brand in a way that inspires, unites and connects the people they work with.