

Founded on Purpose.

The world has changed. As consumers, we now value authenticity above image and need above expertise.  Purpose is driving this, with a growing desire to understand why things are done.

The Impact on how we do business and market brands is significant. It’s no longer enough to demonstrate to customers that a product or service is amazing. Today’s customers need to know the provenance and values behind the brand, even the beliefs of the people that produce it. They are looking for a brand that reflects their own beliefs and values.

What Drives Us?

Our Purpose

… is to help business leaders and organisations to clarify the purpose of their work and align it with their culture and organisation in a way that connects with their audience on a deeper level, and attracts like-minded employees, business partners & customers.

Our Mission

…is to help business owners and leaders to explain the Purpose that underpins their brands, and to use this to define what makes them authentically unique, and to deliver this uniqueness through their product or service delivery, their company culture, their branding, and their internal and external communications.

We Believe:

…that what a person, business or brand stands for flows directly from Purpose.

I believe Purpose can:

– Drive direction, based on a big idea

– Unite and inspire people

– Create a powerful tool for innovation

– Provide the foundation for an authentic brand

– Inform the look and feel of communications